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Smalltown Yoga

Amy Sosne
Jun 26, 20182 min read
June is Pride Month; Acceptance, compassion towards others, embracing your individual identity
I first want to start this blog by referring you to my website, It is my hope to establish this non-profit...
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Amy Sosne
Jun 20, 20184 min read
Necessary change in our schools; working on prevention of violence and hatred in our youth
Instead of writing a normal type blog this week, I have decided to post the key steps to a non-profit organization (yogaforourlives) that...
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Amy Sosne
Jun 11, 20188 min read
The Challenge and the Importance of SVASANA
We live in such a fast paced society that sometimes we make judgments that are too rash without taking the energy or time to do our...
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Amy Sosne
Jun 1, 201810 min read
The Dangers of the competition, self-judgment and external judgment, and ego in a Yoga Practice
As part of my healing stage, I have been interested in injury prevention (I never want to go through this again if I can help it!) Not...
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Amy Sosne
May 21, 20186 min read
What it means to be human
When it rains it pours. Maybe I was just getting cocky and believed that I had really overcome or defeated the “rock” by hiking more than...
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Amy Sosne
May 16, 20185 min read
Acceptance - Temporary vs. Permanent
Another week. I’ve made it 5 weeks with the straight-legged brace (now only using on long walks). With the straight-legged knee brace...
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Amy Sosne
May 9, 201811 min read
Courage versus fear; progression and expansion versus stasis and contraction
As I reflected over this past week, I was wondering to myself what one trait or word could I use to describe how I am able to be...
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Amy Sosne
May 2, 20187 min read
Hope is in the moment; week 3 broken leg
Tuesday Week number three with straight splint/broken knee as a mother, yoga instructor, wife, new owner of business, and avid exerciser...
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Amy Sosne
Apr 25, 20184 min read
The Worry And Catastrophic Spiral from an Injured Yoga Instructor; what I learned from 6 year olds!
In my yoga classes for kids, I always discuss the worry tree, especially before we enter into svasana or our “special place,” which my...
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Amy Sosne
Apr 17, 20185 min read
Wow, I do bend my legs a lot more than I thought! The day after I broke my patella (“truly busted it” in the words of the ER doc – just...
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Amy Sosne
Apr 11, 20184 min read
Once a yoga student and always a yoga student!
As a student of yoga and as a teacher of yoga, I feel the effects of having taught classes 8 days in a row (lovingly and with a calm and...
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Amy Sosne
Apr 2, 20183 min read
Isn’t it Ironic?
After the building inspector deemed that the second floor space, where all our hard work had gone into painting, changing the lights, and...
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Amy Sosne
Mar 21, 20184 min read
Yoga For Our Lives is Something Spiritual and Healing; it is about practicing Karma (selfless) Yoga
This month has been challenging, exciting, intensely emotional, and spiritual all at once. I’ve been dealing with on/off physical...
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Amy Sosne
Mar 11, 20180 min read
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Amy Sosne
Mar 2, 20185 min read
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!!!! I suspect you were a Yogi!
Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Due to the snow day, I did not get the chance to fully honor his stories with their great ethics and moral...
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Amy Sosne
Feb 23, 20182 min read
Guns and Violence vs. Yoga and Calmness - A reflection from my experience teaching at the Clark
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I had the wonderful opportunity to teach yoga at the Clark Museum to all ages and all levels. What I had...
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Amy Sosne
Feb 17, 20183 min read
Yuck, Love, and Germs ALL at Once
Words from Amy Sosne, MD, mom of toddlers, and yoga instructor After teaching a wonderful, energizing family yoga class to a loving group...
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Amy Sosne
Feb 13, 20186 min read
Yoga For Childhood Stress Reductions
Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) and yoga in general are tools for stress reduction. For children play is their language, it’s how they learn....
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